Admin Commands

Welcome! This is a quick Intro to Using the Bot:

The Bank uses in-game commands either through Mail or Guild Chat.


CommandExampleExplanation ex Example ex
~addtitle [player] ‎[title]~addtitle BotProject chiefThe bank will give BotProject the title “Chief”If the bank is regent, it will assign the specified title
~deltitle [title]~deltitle chiefThe bank will delete the chief title from the player currently having itIf the bank is regent, it will unassign the specified title
~whitelist [player] ‎[Rank]~whitelist BotProject R4BotProject will be accepted into Guild and given Rank 4BotProject will be accepted into the Guild and given Rank 4
~blacklist [player]~blacklist BotProjectBotProject will not be allowed into the Guild (or kicked)Rejects a player applying to the guild
~unlistwhite [player]~unlistwhite BotProjectBotProject will be removed from the WhitelistRemoves a player from the whitelist
~unlistblack [player]~unlistblack BotProjectBotProject will be removed from the BlacklistRemoves a player from the blacklist

Advanced RSS commands

CommandExampleExplanation ex
~transfer [player] ‎[type] ‎[amount]~transfer BotProjectTransfers the Balance to another playerYou sent 50M gold to the bank, after the command those 50M are credited to BotProject
~adminrss [F]‎ [S]‎ [W]‎ [O] ‎[G] ‎[player]~admin rss 0 5M 5M 5M 5M BotProjectThe bank sends 5M of all RSS (except Food) to the player named “BotProject”Sends all types of RSS
Sends RSS to a specific player~adminfood Shar 5MThe bank sends 5M Food to the player named “BotProject”~admin[type]‎ [player]‎ [amount]
~snowbeast~snowbeastSnowbeast familiars skill is activatedActivates the snowbeast familiar ability

Hunt/gather toggle, relocate, and guild fest quest commands

CommandExampleExplanation ex
~setgather ‎[on/off]~setgather offDisables gatheringDisable or enable gathering for the account
~hunt [on/off]~hunt onDisable or enable hunting for the accountEnables hunting
~quest~questGets Banks Guild Fest statusGets banks guild fest status
~relocate [X] ‎[Y]~relocate 243 209Relocates the bankRelocates the bank to coordinates X:243 Y:209

How to Stop the Bank /camping /changing guilds:

CommandExampleExplanation ex
~camp / ~campleader [x] ‎[y]~camp 100 100Sends a 1 troop camp to x:100 y:100Sends a camp to x/y
~guild [tag]~guild 123Commands the bank to leave the guild and try to join ‘123’Commands the bank to leave the guild and tries to join ‘123’
~stop [time]~stop 60Account will go offline for 60 secondsStops the bank for “x” Seconds


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